candlelight yin

surrounded by an intimate soft setting warmed with a fire log belly stove, we will practice the art of stillness (yin) as we absorb our postures for 5-8 minutes, gearing slowly into our connective tissues where flexibility resides. generally in a seated or supine position focusing on hips, pelvis, inner thighs, lower spine and passive heart openers.  delve deep as we steep and soak into places our body may heal and navigate thru clutter. commitment and patience are key to a yin experience.

we will then end our journey by restoring your mind and physical being with a beautiful meditative delightful practice, touching on visualization and subtle levels of pranayama (control of breath). give yourself permission to settle into a cozy environment as you enter deep into a state of relaxation.

this is a gentle-moderate level class (best experienced in an evening)

we have revamped our method of registering for yoga classes

we cater exclusively to private groups


sweet and simple


honey flow